“not all who wander are lost”

Life. Life is an adventure. It’s the heart stopping, blood pulsing moments that make you stop and feel and for just a moment you’re infinite. It’s taking the first bite of a savory meal, letting go of inhibitions, meeting that one stranger you know will change your life forever. It’s admiring the heat of the sun on your skin, the scent of fresh cut flowers, and the way raindrops race to an invisible finish line. Life, it happens, it doesn’t stop for anyone so jump, jump in and be. Be in the moment and dive into infinity.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

we fall apart to fall back together

Your heart will be broken and it will hurt like hell but it only takes one moment of pure happiness to know you will be okay. The hole in your heart will always be there but it will get smaller and smaller and soon it will be so tiny it will only be a memory. Love is amazing and regretless and painful and every emotion and nothing all at the same time. We will all be broken and paralyzed but its okay. Life will go on and it will go on without you. Feel the pain, experience it over and over again because you will grow stronger and grow up and in the end that’s all that life is really about. Its about growing up and becoming who we are and learning that its okay to be exactly who we are and experience every emotion that life offers us. And sometimes that paralyzing heart break will leave us feeling totally immobilized but try to move, try to get up, try to experience that one moment that will show you that you will be okay and you’ll be truly happy and you will be okay. Your heart has to break to grow back stronger.


{photo by Lauren}