“not all who wander are lost”

Life. Life is an adventure. It’s the heart stopping, blood pulsing moments that make you stop and feel and for just a moment you’re infinite. It’s taking the first bite of a savory meal, letting go of inhibitions, meeting that one stranger you know will change your life forever. It’s admiring the heat of the sun on your skin, the scent of fresh cut flowers, and the way raindrops race to an invisible finish line. Life, it happens, it doesn’t stop for anyone so jump, jump in and be. Be in the moment and dive into infinity.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Today we got the opportunity to just be kids again. At an installation on campus called "A Nostalgic Afternoon," we were able to crawl into a massive blanket and pillow fort and just remember what it was like to be a kid; when we could be a mermaid one day, a ballerina the day after, and a dinosaur after that. Kids know how to celebrate the small things in life because every new experience is an adventure and an eye opener. I will always be a child at heart because I like to always see the world through the wondrous eyes of a child. And don't be surprised if Lauren and I build a permanent blanket fort in our house next year. 

"A Nostalgic Afternoon" will be on display as a part of The Cohen New Works Festival on campus until March 29. Visit anostalgicafternoon.tumblr.com to read peoples' childhood memories and thoughts. 


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