“not all who wander are lost”

Life. Life is an adventure. It’s the heart stopping, blood pulsing moments that make you stop and feel and for just a moment you’re infinite. It’s taking the first bite of a savory meal, letting go of inhibitions, meeting that one stranger you know will change your life forever. It’s admiring the heat of the sun on your skin, the scent of fresh cut flowers, and the way raindrops race to an invisible finish line. Life, it happens, it doesn’t stop for anyone so jump, jump in and be. Be in the moment and dive into infinity.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

home for the holiday

Home. This word is unique to each individual. We each have our own connotations that come to mind. For me, coming home for Thanksgiving is the best week to be back in New York. It is a short and sweet week of traipsing around my old stomping ground, eating my parents' incredibly delicious home cooked meals, brunching and museum exploring with my best friends, shopping with my little sister, sitting by the fire, reading, napping, bike riding, attending an annual Christmas tree lighting, watching my favorite movies, and truly relaxing. We're not stressing about Christmas shopping quite yet, not every day is too cold to spend time outdoors, and we really cherish the few days we have with each other before the last stressful month of schoolwork. The holiday spirit already is in the air at this time of year. My high school put wreaths on every window, couples are carrying trees up to their apartments from the Christmas tree seller on the corner, and there is a general sense of the magic that the holiday season brings in New York. 


{photos by Olivia}

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