“not all who wander are lost”

Life. Life is an adventure. It’s the heart stopping, blood pulsing moments that make you stop and feel and for just a moment you’re infinite. It’s taking the first bite of a savory meal, letting go of inhibitions, meeting that one stranger you know will change your life forever. It’s admiring the heat of the sun on your skin, the scent of fresh cut flowers, and the way raindrops race to an invisible finish line. Life, it happens, it doesn’t stop for anyone so jump, jump in and be. Be in the moment and dive into infinity.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

holding on

  • I have this stuffed lamb named Lamby. He has a white jew fro on his small stuffed body and a pink nose meant for kissing. I am 19 and have not been able to let Lamby go, despite many efforts. Looking at Lamby today I wondered why we hold on to things so strongly. We are so unwilling to let go. We hold on for dear life to anything and everything we love or loved. We fight for them until there is no chance they can survive. I hold onto relationships like I hold on to lamby. I hate to say goodbye. Relationships fade but love doesn’t. Memories don’t. That is why we hold on. We hold on to things that provide us happiness whether past or present. Because love is endless, memories are infinite, and having faith in something gives you faith in yourself. So for now I’ll hold on to my jew fro’d lamb for everything he once gave me and everything he will. 
